Paying individual attention to students

When a child enters a Playgroup or a Nursery school, she is at her most vulnerable. She may experience a range of emotions from separation anxiety to a healthy love for her school, teachers and new friends.  

This is also a time when the child is exposed to new concepts, learning new skills, new rhymes, understanding her capabilities in her motor skills, indulging in new physical activities of jumping on a trampoline or running in straight lines. She also learns interaction with peers, tries to understand the concept of taking turns and sharing.  

In such a dynamic atmosphere it becomes a necessity for the teacher to pay individual attention to each and every student. Every child learns at his own pace and comfort level. Paying close attention to each and every child helps the teacher to understand the needs and requirements of each child and gives an insight into what the child’s strength are and where he needs additional resources.  

When a teacher is confident that she knows the personalities, strengths and help required for each student it acts as a guide for her to not only plan her day and curriculum but also to give her inputs to the parents during parent- teacher interactions. 

At Little Aryan’s, the best Day-care centre in Ambernathwe maintain a healthy student- teacher ratio so that no child is left without supervision. This ensures complete safety and accident free play accompanied by engaging activities. 

We are also the best Preschool in Kalyan – Dombivali area and are appreciated by our current parents for our Bridge program to reduce the anxiety experience when the child first enters preschool and an integrated Settling Plan to make the child school – ready while moving to ‘Big –school’. 

Paying close attention to each child also helps the teacher notice slow learners or identifying disabilities at an early stage so that the parents can be informed, and help can be seeked at an early stage to minimise further delay.